Changes in _prefix and _suffix in Rails 8

Prior to Rails 8, you could avoid method conflicts using _prefix and _suffix. For example:

class Order < ApplicationRecord
  enum state: { pending: 0, shipped: 1, delivered: 2 }, _prefix: :order

This generated methods like:

order.order_pending?   # Instead of order.pending?
order.order_shipped!   # Instead of order.shipped!

Rails 8 Change: No Underscore (_) Needed

In Rails 8, you no longer need the _ before prefix and suffix:

class Order < ApplicationRecord
  enum :state, { pending: 0, shipped: 1, delivered: 2 }, prefix: true

This results in the same method generation without requiring an underscore.

order.state_pending?   # Rails 8 syntax

This makes prefix/suffix usage cleaner and less error-prone.