Querying Records Using Enum Methods

Rails automatically generates query methods based on enum values. These methods help retrieve records more concisely.

Basic Queries Using Enum Methods

Consider the following User model:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  enum :status, { active: 0, inactive: 1, banned: 2 }

Now, Rails provides dynamic methods for querying:

User.active    # Fetches all users with status "active"
User.inactive  # Fetches all users with status "inactive"
User.banned    # Fetches all users with status "banned"

This is equivalent to writing:

User.where(status: :active)
User.where(status: :inactive)

Checking a Single Record’s Status

user = User.find(1)

user.active?  # => true if user is active
user.banned?  # => true if user is banned