Installing and Configuring Rails for PWA

To begin, we need to set up a new Rails project with essential dependencies for PWA functionality.

Step 1: Create a New Rails Application

Ensure you have the latest version of Rails installed:

gem install rails

Then, create a new Rails project:

rails new rails_pwa --webpack=esbuild
cd rails_pwa

Here, we use --webpack=esbuild to enable JavaScript bundling.

Step 2: Install Required Gems

To support PWA development, add these gems to your Gemfile:

gem 'webpacker', '~> 5.4' # If using Webpacker instead of esbuild
gem 'pwa', '~> 0.1.0' # PWA helper gem

Run bundle install to install dependencies.

Step 3: Set Up Webpack and JavaScript Environment

Ensure Webpack is correctly installed for JavaScript handling:

bin/rails webpacker:install

Now, Rails is ready for PWA development. Next, we will integrate Webpack and Stimulus.js for modern front-end interactions.