Generating and Serving the Manifest in Rails

Now that we understand the purpose of a Web App Manifest, we need to create and serve this file dynamically in our Rails application.

1. Creating the manifest.json File

We will store the manifest file in the app/views/layouts directory and serve it dynamically using Rails' render method.

Create a new file at app/views/layouts/manifest.json.jbuilder and define its structure: "Rails PWA"
json.short_name "PWA"
json.start_url root_url
json.display "standalone"
json.background_color "#ffffff"
json.theme_color "#ff5722"
json.icons [
    src: image_url("icons/icon-192x192.png"),
    sizes: "192x192",
    type: "image/png"
    src: image_url("icons/icon-512x512.png"),
    sizes: "512x512",
    type: "image/png"

2. Creating a Route for the Manifest

Next, we need to define a route in config/routes.rb to serve the manifest file:

get "/manifest.json", to: "manifests#show", defaults: { format: :json }

3. Creating the Controller to Serve the Manifest

Generate a new controller named ManifestsController:

rails generate controller Manifests

Modify app/controllers/manifests_controller.rb to render the JSON manifest:

class ManifestsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    respond_to do |format|
      format.json { render template: "layouts/manifest.json.jbuilder" }

4. Linking the Manifest in the Application Layout

Finally, include the manifest file in the <head> section of app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:

<link rel="manifest" href="<%= url_for('/manifest.json') %>">

At this point, our Rails app serves a dynamically generated Web App Manifest.

The next step is to customize app icons and splash screens for different devices.